Faith: The Shield Against Life’s Challenges

Faith: The Shield Against Life’s Challenges

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves searching for something to believe in, something to anchor our hopes and dreams. But what do people put their faith in today? For many, it’s money, material possessions, or even celebrities. Some might say...
Dating and Marriage

Dating and Marriage

Foundations are important. Foundations in a construction sense are the very thing that buildings are built on. Foundations in relationships are equally as important. We are going to see why foundations play a vital role in relationships. Faulty foundations don’t...
Family – Belonging

Family – Belonging

Belonging is important. I think it is fair to say that the need to belong is an inbuilt characteristic of us all. I believe that God designed us to be social beings, to be beings that value relationships, that value community. Modern thinking recognises this: We...