Sermon Series

Cultivating your heart

Have you ever stopped to think about the word cultivate?

As I prepared for this sermon series, I realised that I have fallen in love with this word. It has a real richness to it; over the coming weeks we will see the importance of cultivating different aspects of our lives.

Cultivate in the dictionary is a verb and it gives a definition of developing land for growing, it also speaks of giving special attention to, nurturing, taking care of. It has a very agrarian feel to it.

As I use the word the cultivate in this series, I want us to see it in a similar context to that of farming, preparing the land, tending the land. But instead of land we are cultivating our hearts, tending to them. I want us to realise that cultivating requires activity, sometimes a lot of activity, sometimes a little activity, but it is deliberate. Cultivating requires action, we need to invest time in doing it, if we don’t some of the opposites of cultivating can take hold, the weeds of life can take hold. If we don’t cultivate the good things, you can be sure the bad things will gather momentum.

Below you will find links to each sermon in the series as they become available, also there will be videos and links to other resources that we hope you find useful.

Sunday 29th May – Cultivating a Life of Prayer


Sunday 22nd May – Cultivating a Heart of Service


Sunday 15th May – Cultivating a Heart of Generosity


Sunday 8th May – Cultivating a Heart of Worship

Sunday 1st May – Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude

Extra Resources:

Work as Worship

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