Waiting for God

Waiting for God

Have you ever found yourself waiting for God? Waiting for God to answer prayer? Well when we read Habakkuk 1 we will learn a lot that can apply to us today including about waiting for God. So, let us dive in and read the first four verses of chapter 1 Habakkuk 1 1 The...
God! Control?

God! Control?

Have you ever blamed God for something that happened? Would it make you cross if you got blamed for something you didn’t do. Can I encourage you to listen to this message from Brian as he talks about control and...
Real or Fake

Real or Fake

There is fake news. There are fake copies of clothing, perfumes. Fake bank notes. Fake predictions about the future. Knowing how to decide of something is real, if something is genuine is vital. Do you know though that doubts about Jesus happened in His day, from...
Should Christians get involved in arguments?

Should Christians get involved in arguments?

Should Christians get involved in arguments? This question is one that perplexes may followers of Jesus. Should they get involved in arguments? Is there a Christian way to argue. Well, if we are honest, we all end up in arguments at one time or another. Whether or not...