When You Pray

When You Pray

The Lord’s prayer a well-known prayer prayed in many churches and by many individuals. Simple but powerful, based on one of the most famous or well-known pieces of scripture but there is a tendency to forget that this is Jesus himself teaching his disciples both how...
Dating and Marriage

Dating and Marriage

Foundations are important. Foundations in a construction sense are the very thing that buildings are built on. Foundations in relationships are equally as important. We are going to see why foundations play a vital role in relationships. Faulty foundations don’t...
Family – Belonging

Family – Belonging

Belonging is important. I think it is fair to say that the need to belong is an inbuilt characteristic of us all. I believe that God designed us to be social beings, to be beings that value relationships, that value community. Modern thinking recognises this: We...
Moments and Choices

Moments and Choices

Sometimes it doesn’t feel like we have choices, but the truth is we all do. I want to be bold and say that at the end of this article you will have one of those moments and opportunity to make a choice that can affect the rest of your life massively, now I know that...
Rejoice in the Lord

Rejoice in the Lord

Has anyone ever said to you don’t be sad it’s not that bad? Or perhaps cheer up worse things happen at sea! Or are you yourself one of those people that is pretty much always happy? Do you feel like rejoicing when things are going wrong? I know I struggle to want to...
Faith Alone

Faith Alone

Have you ever lost faith in something or someone? Have you ever experienced something that perhaps calls into question your trust in someone. Faith and trust pretty much go hand in hand. When trust is broken, faith is often given up. In this article we are going to...